Starting with GeoFIS

    In the vocabulary of GeoFIS:

  • A project is a set of maps. Can be saved in a file in XML format.
  • A map is composed of one or more information layers.
  • A layer contains data that may be of different types.

Supported Data Formats

  • GeoFIS can import vector data from ESRI shapefile or CSV files.
  • GeoFIS can import raster data from GeoTIFF or World file (tiff, jpeg, png, gif or jpeg 2000) image files.

Watch the video tutorial to import data

CSV data

CSV data will be loaded as “point” 2D geometry.

  • The CSV file must contain 2 columns with the coordinates of the points (X on first column, Y on second column), in addition to the columns of data.
  • A coordinate reference system must be provided when opening CSV data.
  • The CSV file can contains the attribute names on first line.
  • The supported column delimiters are: comma, semicolon, tabulation, space.
  • The CSV file must contain only numeric data (with point “.” as decimal separator), without missing values.

Restrictions on attribute names

  • The first character of the attribute must be a letter.
  • Other characters can be letters, digits or “undersore” as separator.
  • Accented characters are not allowed.
  • The attribute must be unique

Attribute names will be automatically renamed to respect these restrictions when importing data.

Data visualization

Different styles can be applied to layer to visualize data

  • The “Geometry” Style (applicable to vector layers).
    The Layer data are displayed according to their geometry (point, polygon, line). You can choose the shape, color, size, label of data. All data in the layer will be displayed the same way, regardless the value of their attributes.

  • The “Palette” style (applicable to vector ou raster layers).
    The layer data are displayed in different shades of color based on the value of an attribute. You can choose the attribute, the palette of colors, the number of classes and the method of classification (equal intervals, jenks, equal count).

The style can be saved in a SLD (Styled Layer Descriptor) file.

Watch the video tutorial style